Online Ballet Classes

Learn ballet online with the world's leading dancers.

Our teachers are Soloists and Principal dancers at the world's leading ballet companies. They teach expert, intermediate and beginner ballet classes for adults and children.

Our online ballet studio is run by Indiana Woodward, Principal Dancer at the New York CIty Ballet.

Training with Grace and Form studio improves strength, fitness and technique. Our classes are taught by the leading dancers in the world, who will guide you through the same training that has made them the best of best. Some of our classes are live, others on-demand.

Our online ballet classes cater to all levels. We offer refinements and daily training for leading dancers. We also have whole series' teaching intermediate and beginner ballet classes for adults and children.

All classes consist of ballet barre and ballet center.

Ballet barre, the cornerstone of ballet training, sees dancers utilize a stationary handrail for support while engaging in a series of exercises to warm up, strengthen, and refine their technique. Here we focus on fundamental ballet movements, from pliés to tendus. It builds lean strength, technique and muscle memory.

Ballet center is where dancers move away from the barre for exercises and sequences that develop balance, turns, jumps, and artistry. It builds strength, fitness and stamina while giving you the chance to put the technique learned at the barre, into practice.

Both elements of class are filmed separately, so you can pick and choose to create the perfect combo, tailored to what works best for you.

FAQs about Online Ballet Classes

Are online ballet classes good for beginners?

Absolutely! Our online ballet classes cater to individuals of all levels, including beginners. Our classes are structured to introduce fundamental techniques gradually. These classes are designed to accommodate newcomers while also providing challenges for more experienced dancers.

What equipment or space do I need for online ballet classes?

You'll need a clear space with enough room to move freely. A stable internet connection and a device, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, are essential for streaming the classes. Our barre classes will require a chair or a surface at ballet barre height for support during exercises.

How can I ensure proper form?

Although not in-person, instructors provide detailed verbal cues and demonstrations during online sessions to guide students through correct form and technique. 

What if I miss a live class?

Our live classes are recorded, allowing students to access classes at their convenience. These recordings are often available for a certain period after the live session, giving participants flexibility in their schedules.

Can online ballet classes help with flexibility and strength?

Yes, online ballet classes are excellent for enhancing flexibility, strength, and overall fitness. Ballet exercises are designed to target various muscle groups, improving flexibility and building strength gradually over time. Consistent practice with guided sessions  can yield noticeable improvements in these areas.

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Develop a deeper appreciation for the beauty and benefits of movement and, in turn, your body.