16th November 12:30pm-8pm ~ a beach house wellness retreat
Modern times can be busy and exhausting. The speed of our lives, the expectations put on us by others and by ourselves, and our constant connection to technology can leave us with little space in which to slow down and reconnect with something beyond.
We invite you to slow down and give yourself the day to unwind, reconnect, and let go.

In this mini retreat, we’ll drop the expectations that we put on ourselves. We’ll step away from our laptops, phones and smart watches, and reconnect with stillness. The theme for the day is “slow down and let go”. The half day includes a powerful Vinyassa flow, a slow stretch flow, a tea ceremony, an optional cold plunge in the ocean (weather/size of the waves permitting!), a sound bath, a meditation, a talk and some delicious, plant-based food. All within the beautiful and peaceful setting of an old beach house, right on the water.
The intimate group of no-more-than-12 will be guided through the day by three people that have been practicing for years.
SAMPLE SCHEDULE (subject to small changes)
12:30pm Arrival and Intro talk - Introducing the day (sharing and intention setting)
1-2pm ~ Vinyasa with April
2-3:15pm ~ Tea Ceremony with April
3:15pm-4pm ~ Free time, snacks & beach walk
4-4:40 Intro to Vipassana (insight) & Short Meditation
4:40-5:30 ~ Yin
15 minute break (or remain in rest)
5:45-6:25 ~ intro to Samatha (serenity) Practice and meditation
6:25pm-7:10pm ~ Soundbath
7:10pm ~ Sharing
7:30pm ~ Plant Based Feast
The Retreat team
April Zanot
April specializes in vinyasa and yin and uses her playlists to help create musical experiences through her classes so that her students can tell stories with movement and breath.
Edward James
Edward has been meditating since 2009, both in the Pa Auk Theravada and the Tibetan Dzochen practices. He was a monk at the meditation monastery Pa Auk, in the Burmese jungle, where he returns for two-months each winter for meditation retreat.
Develop a deeper appreciation for the beauty and benefits of slowing down, moving more, and doing less.
Where is the event?
The event is held In a beach-front cottage in Malibu: about 5 minutes from Topanga Beach.
Address will be sent when a ticket is purchased.
What do I need to bring and wear?
We will provide yoga mats and meditation cushions: however feel free to bring your own cushion.
Wear something you feel comfortable in for yoga, deep stretch, meditation etc. We'd suggest you bring something warm for the evenings, and perhaps a blanket for the soundbath.
How do I get intouch?
Email us: saskia@graceandformstudio.com
What is the cancellation policy?
This is an intimate event, so tickets are non-refundable. However please do get in touch at saskia@graceandformstudio.com and if we have a waitlist, we will give you a refund if someone takes your place.